Morton's Fork

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Human are always faced with a choice, they are forced to choose their way of life which will be taken. Morton Forks a logical dilemma when a person faced with two equally bad option, both choice are equally undesirable. A circumtances which a person is unable to make a decision based on sense and mind, because whatever is done will be a big risk as a result of the act, while the circumtances must be lived.

She dreamed of being on the mouth of a cliff, for some reason the head was overgrown with a big beehive .. her hair was covered with bees that would be ready to bite her bodies. Then she saw down there was a very deep chasm, if it fell from there no doubt she would immediately die with such a height.

She is faced with a choice, if she stands there and his possibility is that she will continue to be bitten by the bee, feeling the pain that suffers until she dies. Or she can avoid the bite by plunging into the water under the cliff, and go straight to die because of his height. but at least she did not feel the pain for very too long when the bee bites her.

A wiser choice consideration reveal additional option, even the options are same painful. It may be possible to subvert the dilemma by finding an exception to the rule, being infront of a big wall, or hard place that didn’t have door or window for you to get out… is sometimes solvable if you have a wiliing to develop a hammer to smash the wall of the way and make a hole, a door for you to get out

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